4 min read


I would fly far away to the quiet of the wilderness. Psalms 55

Have you ever wished you could get away from all the stress?  I believe we all have those seasons of life when we feel like the world around us is spiraling out of control and we just need a break.  After more than a year of planing and saving, I embarked on my longest excursion [thus far] to the country of Botswana in the southern part of Africa.  I arrived towards the end of the dry winter season.  It is a time when animals and people look forward to the onset of the spring rains.  As I looked around at the dryness of the land, it was easy to observe the effects of a drought on all living things.  I too was feeling that same dryness deep in my soul. Did God bring me halfway around the world to share another story hidden in His creation that would renew my weary heart?

I lift my hands to You [God] in prayer.  I thirst for You as parched land thirsts for rain. Psalms 143

I realize now, I didn’t need a break.  Instead, I needed the kind of refreshment that only God could give.  Here in Botswana I learned of the word “Pula.”  In the Setswana language of Botswana, at first glance, this word seems to have a double meaning, “Pula” can be translated as both “rain" and “blessing”.  Yet, I came to understand that rain and blessing were considered to be the same, completely inseparable of each other.  Being mostly a desert country, the blessing rain gives, is life and vitality to this weary land, and to all of its inhabitants.

Everywhere I traveled, I observed the barrenness of the landscape.  Being without water exposes the hardship and scars of survival, not only on the vegetation but also for the many animals who call this land home.  Life in this season is hard requiring the need to persevere.  However, at this moment I want to pause, and give you the assurance that though you may be facing difficulties ahead, you are not called to endure adversities alone.

Jesus said, “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Mathew 11

In the midst of this barren land, water is still available.  I saw life blooming and even flourishing in the presence of water.  Elephants in a thundering run to the water served to magnify their great need for this special gift.  I didn’t need a camera for God’s story in nature to come into focus for me.  Whether you are big or small, we all need the life sustaining nourishment that comes through the water God provides for us, physically and deep in our hearts.

You [God] feed them from the abundance of Your own house, letting them drink from Your river of delights.  For You are the fountain of life, the light by which we see. Psalm 36

In Botswana, as each day folded into another, a sampling of God’s imagination was unveiled all around me in an unending procession of creatures.  I enjoyed the variety as they came came in all different shapes, sizes and colors.  They come flying, walking and even crawling, almost as if directed by an invisible force, but the quest remains the same, they are seeking sustaining life from the remaining water as they wait for the blessing of the rains.  One of my favorite encounters happened early one morning as I witnessed a mama baboon embracing her baby as they sat by the water, drinking in the warmth of God’s light.  Each with smiles on their faces, left me wondering if they were hearing the loving voice of God speaking to them.  They exhibited such peace and contentment in the presence of their creator.  As if it was an invitation, I found myself longing to join them in the warmth of God’s light, drinking from His fountain of life.

As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.  Proverbs 27

With each encounter I had in Botswana, I experienced the heart of God as the reflection of His face washed over me like water through the people and animals who refreshed my weary soul. I find myself now praying for Pula and blessing over the country of Botswana. And I desire Pula for you too, my readers, as I lift you up in prayer to the giver of life.

Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, “Anyone who is thirsty may come to Me!  Anyone who believes in Me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’” John 7