Divine Joy

You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song, and the trees of the field will clap their hands! Isaiah 55

It is easy to be swept away by the aesthetic beauty of God's creative imagination when viewing the colors of a sunset, the grandeur of mountains, the tranquility of a forest, or the vastness of the ocean. Realizing that God has limitless abilities, the puffin, with its quirky appearance and endearing behavior, provides an interesting lens through which to reflect on God's sense of humor in creation. When I think about the novelty of puffins, there are a few characteristics and lessons that can offer insight into God's playful and creative nature—and how we might apply these to our own lives.

In stark contrast to the sleek presence, power and efficient design of other birds I have photographed, the puffin resembles a cartoon character. Even the name is comical to say, “P-U-F-F-I-N.” This funny little bird, that stands barely fifteen inches high, has the appearance of being put together with spare parts. The puffin, also referred to as the “clown of the sea,” is shaped like a football with wings. It has a colorful oddly fashioned beak, which at first glance doesn’t seem to fit its face. The eyes look to be perfectly drawn on a body with a wobbly walk, and quirky behavior. Could it be that I was witnessing further evidence of God’s expression of divine joy, creativity and humor in the design of this little puffin? There is something so inviting about the puffin’s playful, unrefined grace that is an embodiment of joy in this simple, unpretentious little creature. Contrary to the puffin, I find myself trying to fit into a mold of perfection or seriousness when, instead, I should follow their example, and embrace my own unique qualities, even if they seem odd or out of place at times. Humor and joy, after all, are signs of the creative freedom that God gives to each of us.
Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! [God] Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. Psalm 139

I’m convinced, that it is the puffins’ comical combination of persistence and charming awkwardness that makes them so endearing. Their determination is best demonstrated through their attempts to fly. Trying to photograph a puffin in flight is no easy feat, they have a quirky start which consist of unanticipated maneuvers. While trying to angle my camera, I assumed these silly birds would take flight and proceed in the direction they are facing. To my surprise, when puffins take off from a cliff, they drop like a rock before getting up enough speed to create the much needed forward movement, thus getting airborne with a dramatic flair. The puffin will wildly flap its short little wings four hundred times a minute to keep itself in the air, and yet, they can eventually reach speeds of fifty-five miles per hour. Needless to say, I missed a lot of photos when I endeavored to photograph these speeding football shaped rockets. Nevertheless, I was inspired by the puffins’ undaunted resolve to succeed. A trait I choose to model this year.

Flights taking off from water prove to be even more challenging for the puffin. They have to exert tremendous energy while running, sometimes for a great distance across the top of water before achieving their goal of flight. Although, graceful flying may not appear to be their forte, they have become excellent swimmers. Living the majority of their time on water, rather than on land or in the air, puffins have learned to excel in the “ordinary” of their day to day life. For example, those same small wings act as flippers propelling them in a dive two hundred feet underwater in search of their favorite meal [herring fish].

Yes, it is true, the puffin, is not a majestic bird with rare colorful feathers, but they're a reminder to us that beauty and purpose don’t always come in the most extravagant forms. As revealed in nature, I too, don’t need to be perfect to be loved. Could this powerful lesson be one of the reasons for God’s creation of the puffin?
You[God] created every part of me; You put me together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139

Moreover, puffins are very social, often seen interacting with one another in amusing ways. Whether it’s "billing" [a form of showing affection by rubbing their beaks together], flying collectively, or mingling in animated group conversations, puffins display a sense of joy as they mingle with each other. This playfulness reflects a broader theme in creation: that life isn't all about survival and function, but also about joy, connection, and celebration. Often, in life’s challenges, it is easy to choose isolation, but the puffins demonstrate the treasure of finding joy in the everyday encounters.
“Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!” Nehemiah 8

The puffin, in all its delightful imperfections and animated charm, reflects a side of God’s character that invites you and me to, embrace humor, celebrate the small things, and find joy in the unexpected. We will develop benefits lasting a lifetime, by applying these lessons of; accepting our own quirks, cultivating playfulness, and recognizing the value in what was once viewed as an imperfection. By observing God's sense of humor in creation, I can more fully appreciate the beautifully different attributes that make each of us special and unique.
I will be filled with joy because of You [God]. I will sing praises to Your name, O Most High. Psalm 9
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