Come fly with me...

In my longing to learn photography, I have come to recognize that I am not just snapping images, rather, I have been given a chance to capture a visual story. Although I have never been a writer, I have a deep desire to become a skillful story teller. In this pursuit, I often find myself surprised to witness my own story being acted out in the life experiences of the wildlife at the other end of my camera lens. I know that may sound silly, but come along with me on my weekend adventure atop a bluff above the Pacific ocean in southern California. Perhaps, if you look close enough, you too might find yourself as a vital part of God’s loving narrative.
Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are? Matthew 6

Meet Maxine [as the local residents have named her], she is a Peregrine Falcon. Her family story is one of inspiration. The peregrine falcons mate for life. However, stories do not always go as planned. It turns out, two weeks before I was introduced to Maxine, her mate disappeared and was believed to be dead. As a single parent, Maxine was left to be the sole provider and protector of her two little chicks. As the provider, Maxine now had to hunt food for the whole family, which took her away from home, sometimes for great lengths of time. As the protector, Maxine having the instincts that come from being a mama, had the uncanny ability to hear the distress cries of her babies, bringing her swiftly to their side, and fiercely defending them when a predator came near. I personally witnessed, how she met and overcame the difficulties thrust upon her. Maxine’s perseverance and resilience never wained.
She is energetic and strong, a hard worker. Proverbs 31

What a baby face! The day I arrived in southern California for a photography workshop, the first of Maxine’s two little ones fledged from the nest for his inaugural flight. In the same way we will document our own babies first steps with rejoicing and pictures, the top of the bluffs were lined with cameras as excitement filled the air. I found myself rejoicing with the many other photographers as this little fledgling defied the odds, soared through the sky and to my delight, he decided to land a short distance from me. There was a big world to be explored through this new found freedom in flight, and it appeared that Junior [my name for him] was checking me out as much as I was checking him out.

Maxine, being the amazing mom she is, didn’t allow him to sit too long. With a teasing fly bye, Junior once again, launched himself upward giving chase. Yes, Junior needed to strengthen his wings as she taught him the beginning arial technics and skills necessary to succeed in his life. In a world where moms are being told to hover over their children to protect them from the insensitivities surrounding them, Maxine illustrates for you mom’s, the importance of helping your little ones to stretch their wings, enabling them to reach their full potential. Even though Junior had some misses in the food exchanges, Maxine turned every opportunity into a teachable moment. Knowing that giving up was never an option, I watched as Maxine was always faithful to put Junior through his paces. Nothing in life is free and Junior learned quickly he had to work for his meals and literally rose to the challenge.

He[God] gives food to every living thing. His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 136

As I was observing Junior, I realized that I wished I could be more like him, as he fearlessly skyrocketed into his new world. However, I have to confess, it was Maxine’s other baby that is my own God story with feathers unfolding before me. Maxine’s second baby took two extra days before she finally fledged from the nest. Unlike her big brother who darted into the sky, baby girl [my name for her], evidently was a little unsure of herself and preferred to flutter her way onto the scene. Being a late bloomer myself, I could relate, as I too have always been cautious and shy when venturing out. At this point though, it is easy for me to say — jumping off a cliff with the hope of being able to fly, is not my first choice for the start of my day. Could there be an alternative?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3

I have come to the conclusion that it is not fear that has hold of people, but people [myself included] have grabbed hold of fear and are unwilling to let go as if it is some kind of protective shield. I can now boldly proclaim from personal experience that fear is not a shield. Instead, it became a chain that restrains. I saw that exhibited in myself this weekend. As I was surrounded by outstanding photographers, all of my own chains of insecurities in my limited photography abilities raced to the surface weighing me down. As I watched through the lens of my camera, I too found myself yearning to fly. Not willing to face her fears, baby girl stood with her back to the edge of the cliff as she wildly flapped her wings. I’m sure she was reciting over and over again “I can fly” hoping that “wishing” would make it so. Time and again she would run towards the edge of the cliff, frantically beating the air with her wings, only to stop short, turn in the opposite direction, and with a giant leap into the air, desperately flapping for several inches towards the safety of the bluff before her. I caught myself holding my breath with each of her attempts to fly. I fully understood how her desire to fly was in direct conflict with her fears. How many times have I, in a brief moment of courage, raced towards my own cliff, convinced I could fly, only to stop short. In this moment of time, God allowed me to see my story being chronicled through this baby girl peregrine. It only took a split second, I knew something needed to change. That something was me.
Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe. Proverbs 2

This weekend, I finally came to the same conclusion as baby girl did. Crying out for her mama, she once again ran towards the edge of the cliff, although this time she didn’t stop. Taking that step of faith into what appeared to be the dark abyss … she flew. With every effort, she got stronger and faster, and before she knew it, she was soaring heavenward. I too cried out as I recognized that I have taken flight as well.
For I can do everything through Christ Jesus, who gives me strength. Philippians 4

As I drove back to northern California, this story from a moment in time followed me home. The heights and shapes of our own symbolic “cliffs” are different for each one of us. Nonetheless, they are still very real to me and you. The question needs to be asked, are you willing to allow your challenges to become an opportunity that will strengthen you? I hope in this short story you were able to be inspired as I have been. Possibly you see yourself in Maxine, maybe you have the daring spirit of Junior or like me, do you relate with baby girl? As we face our fears there is still one more part of this story that I want to share with you. So often we can feel all alone on the top of our “cliffs,” but the truth is, we never have to be alone. Baby girl had Maxine answering her call with words of encouragement; even Junior constantly flew in along side of baby girl, offering support. Likewise, as a vital part of the loving narrative that God is telling, He has unbound me from my chains of fear, cheering me on as I fly upward towards my pursuit of revealing the heart of God through His creation. Is today the day you will take a step of faith and learn to fly? Hopefully someday we will meet in the air.

Faith [in Jesus] shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Hebrews 11
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